As somebody resembling these remarks:
Excellent video.
I personally lost my taste for treating tinkerers as serious thinkerers when I learned of Arthur Conan Doyle and the TM BS (and then further when reading about homeopathy). See also procedurals, murder mysteries ofc. Meanwhile, Murders of the Rue Morgue is woke by the very nature of the mage-type pulling back of the curtain in what I would call the climactic moment of the story, although of course it has nothing to do with the plot.
As regards ‘postrat’ and other stupid, stupid terms related to abbreviating rationality: h/t to G.B. Trudeau for his usage of 'muskrat' in the Sunday Doonesbury strip.
Regarding AI eschatology - Gotta start hitting them with the Frankfurt School (hot dog guy dot gif). Benjamin is a better Christ figure than Jesus in the discourse.
I may be wrong, but I think the first time anybody makes a pre-Christian historical reference in the entire video is 'Promethean' XD. Food for thought.
I think it's entirely reasonable to suggest that 'AI' is the end of the line for White straight cis male nerd safe spaces - my cheap shot that's probably true is that the concept of artificial intelligence is really just cover for Effective Altruism that dare not speak its name.
The concept of not caring about rationality seems very worth diving into. For narrative lessons in this, you could check out the SaGa RPGs where your party kills God twice at the end.